sicor assists - locator

Locator bracelets for the elderly: what are they and how do they work?

Today, technology allows the development of multiple services that help people and generate greater confidence when using it. In the face of diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer's, new and very useful alternatives are presented for the protection and security of people suffering from them.

For this reason, locator bracelets for the elderly are one of the best options, as they are devices that allow knowing the whereabouts or location of the elderly in situations that may pose a risk to their health.

What is a locator bracelet for the elderly? What is it for?

These are devices with GPS, a Global Positioning System that is easier to recognize and allows us to locate any person with an almost centimeter-accurate precision, thus guaranteeing greater safety for the elderly.

In addition, the bracelets for the elderly generate security not only for the elderly themselves, but also for their relatives, since in case of disappearance or loss they can be located as soon as possible by GPS. The sicorASISTE Family App allows to know the geographic position of the person's device in real time, even accessing a history of the route taken and allowing to define security geozones.

Domestic accidents are also very common, as you can see through this link: "falls of elderly people", therefore it is more than advisable to use the GPS bracelet even at home, in order to prevent possible accidents.

Functionalities and useful uses

Regarding the functionalities of the telecare bracelet , it is worth mentioning its main function, the SOS button. This button is used so that the elderly person, in case of being lost or in danger, can press it and it directly sends an alert to the family, telecare operators and/or caregivers with the exact address where they are. In this way, urgent help is immediately sent by the telecare operators.

The locator bracelet is very easy and simple to operate, as it has a clearly visible red button that should only be pressed if help is needed.

At the same time, this bracelet has a fall detection system, which allows detecting the accident at the precise moment and alerting the corresponding specialist operator.

When to use a GPS tracking bracelet for the elderly?


The ASISTE bracelet can be used in case of disorientation, especially for people suffering from diseases such as dementia or Alzheimer's, which lead to cognitive impairment, thus increasing the risk of loss of orientation, not knowing how to get home, etc.

There are several stages in this disease, which you can consult here, "alzheimer". Each of them generates greater vulnerability in the elderly and involves a loss in their cognitive abilities, which with the help of SICOR telecare El Corte Inglés would have greater protection and security 24 hours a day.

Preventing escapes and disappearances

Sometimes, it is very common for older people to run away because they feel too controlled or in a situation that generates overprotection.

In order to prevent this from happening, the SICOR telecare bracelet SICOR telecare El Corte Inglés can send a warning to the relatives or caregivers of the person in question at the precise moment it is pressed if he/she moves too far away from the area where he/she lives.

When they are alone at home

When an elderly person is alone at home for a long time, the elderly locator bracelet helps the elderly to feel calmer and more comfortable at home, because at any time an urgent help alert can be sent via the SOS smartwatch, quickly and easily.

Safety and peace of mind in the daily lives of the elderly

As the years go by, elderly people need more care and protection, especially those who suffer from a degenerative disease. And, having telecare bracelets such as SICOR telecare El Corte Inglés , can mean a before and after in the life of our elders.

Thanks to this type of devices, the quality and safety of life of this group of people is improved, generating a climate of tranquility and security for them and their families in their daily routine. This allows the elderly to perform any activity without worrying about a fall, dizziness or moment of disorientation.

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